Make More Sales With Email & Marketing Automation

Get the support you need to build, grow, and optimize your SaaS' lifecycle marketing program.

The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook

We Can Discuss



The Key Milestones of SaaS, Mapping Customer Journeys, Creating a Data Implementation Plan, The Email Sequences You Need...



Prioritizing the Email Roadmap, Effective Email Copywriting, Sequence Pacing & Structure, Campaign Setup...



Prioritizing Optimization Candidates, Optimizing Email Opens, Optimizing Body Copy & Deliverability...

Feedback on Our Work

Etienne and his team helped significantly increase product engagement and conversions at LANDR. The email program they grew and optimized created consistent and predictable growth for the business.

Dave Jones, Chief Product Officer, LANDR

Dave Jones

Chief Product Officer, LANDR

About Étienne Garbugli


Étienne is a three-time startup founder (Flagback, HireVoice, and Highlights) and the author of The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook.

In 2015, he joined LANDR as head of customer engagement. There, he helped the organization create and optimize a full customer lifecycle communication program that contributed to a revenue growth of 4x in two years.

He has since worked with dozens of SaaS organizations, helping them build their own email marketing programs.